Future of Human Roles in the Emerging Age of Information


  • Vamos Tibor


Technology of automation reached a level of possible substituting most not creative workplaces. In

the coming decades this will be economically more advantageous than any available cheap hunan

workforce in the world. Responsible people and organizations should prepare the incoming

generations to adapt radically new human roles.

Információk a szerzőről

Vamos Tibor

Tibor Vámos (1926) professor emeritus, Founding director of the Computer and Automation Instritute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ordinary Member of the Hiungarian Academy, Fellow: IEEE, IFAC, ECCAI, more than 200 publications, 4 books, subjects: power systems, system science, pattern recognition, computer epistemology.
Several international and national scientific awards. Sciedentist of the year in proliferation of Scence ( 2005)

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Vamos, T. (2015) „Future of Human Roles in the Emerging Age of Information”, Opus et Educatio, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.30

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