More Visual Content into Vocational Education
Although the visual element in human communication is acknowledged by philosophers and it is indeed gaining ground these days (Nyíri K.) with special regard to the use of mobile ICT tools that provide general access to visual tools in space and time (Katz J.), this kind of progressive attitude is not yet typically present in the theory and practice of education. By presenting examples of scientific communication on visual learning, the presentation wishes to demonstrate the significant potential of combining verbal and visual communication in the proper ratio in the development of education. The traditional features of technical higher education (Ferguson S.
E.) and the strong technical support behind it provide an excellent opportunity for new
parabolic educational innovations in visual learning. According to the author’s hypothesis,
visual learning carries the possibility of such parables that will be able to improve
the efficiency of human learning, currently characterised by a constant lack of time and
information pressure, as opposed to traditional education based on verbal communication.