Building a New Picture of Neurath: Review of Groß’s Die Bildpädagogik Otto Neuraths


  • Tuboly Ádám Tamás


Building a New Picture of Neurath: Review of Groß’s Die Bildpädagogik Otto Neuraths

Információk a szerzőről

Tuboly Ádám Tamás


Adam Tamas Tuboly (1988, Nagykanizsa): I am a Young Research Fellow at the Insitute of Philosophy (Hungarian Academy of Science) since 2015, where I am pursuing researches on the history of logical empiricism. My Hungarian monograph on the topic is forthcoming ("Unity and Tolerance. The Scientific World-Conception of Logical Empiricism," Budapest: MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézet), as does my dissertation ("Advocatus diaboli: Quine and Modal Logic," Budapest: L'Harmattan). I am also editing now a volume with Jordi Cat, "New Perspectives on Otto Neurath's Life and Works" (Dordrecht: Springer, 2018), which will contain the 1940-1945 Neurath-Carnap correspondence as well.

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Hogyan kell idézni

Tuboly, Ádám T. (2017) „Building a New Picture of Neurath: Review of Groß’s Die Bildpädagogik Otto Neuraths”, Opus et Educatio, 4(2).

Folyóirat szám


Book review