Spherical Video-Based Virtual Reality (SVVR) Study: 360o-Video Implementation in English Learning Materials at Polytechnic Education
On the horizon of English language learning, students incline to apply modern and contemporary media towards English language learning in Polytechnic education. The current learning tools dominantly apply the traditional technique, for example, PowerPoint, slides, and ordinary video which potentially mitigates learners’ spark in learning the lesson. Students in the Polytechnic State of Bali were analysed to provide the perception of Spherical Video-Based Virtual Reality (SVVR) through English language learning in the classroom. The theory of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was employed to measure the learners’ argument on these learning tools. The simple quantitative instruments were applied to analyse the data. The SVVR contribute to the students’ eagerness in learning the English language. Although the easiness of this tool enhances learners’ desire in the English language instructional, the necessity of high internet band-witch and access to run the SVVR in high resolution is encouraged.