The national library of sociology in a new role

the Sociological Collection as a bridge


  • Ágnes Kerékgyártó
    Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár Központi Könyvtár Szociológiai Gyűjtemény


The Sociological Collection of the Szabó Ervin Library of Budapest was founded 50 years ago, so it is worth briefly reviewing where it started and where it is now. The article first traces the history of the delegation of the special library function and then distinguishes between the concepts of function and collection. Afterwards it takes stock of the functions that the Collection has performed in the past and present. In doing so, it will be seen that, both in response to the challenges facing special libraries as a result of social change, and in response to its specific position within its own institution (special library within the public library), the Sociological Collection has charted its own role as a bridge – a decisive factor for its future plans.


national specialised library, 21st century challenges, digital content, open science, online communication, specialised library functions, communitydriven library


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Published Online


How to Cite

Kerékgyártó, Ágnes (2024) The national library of sociology in a new role: the Sociological Collection as a bridge, Central European Library and Information Science Review (CELISR), 1(1).


