A Concept’s Pathway to Success (?)
Entities in Library Informatics and LIS Education
In the second half of the 90s, a new trend appeared in the library and information science: it is about thinking about the bibliographic universe as a network of entities and their connections. Today there are many publications on this topic, however, according to the literature, the concept of entity has not only one but at least three definitions, that hardens the discourse between the experts and the library and information science education. There are authors who define entities as if they were equal to bibliographic resources, others think that they are unique and discrete things. And some of the authors think that the entities are sets or categories of unique things. In this study, in order to mitigate this heterogeneity, I try to strengthen the category view, and I examine the problem from the viewpoint of the metadata librarians and also of the LIS educators.
entity, library cataloging, LIS education, semantic element set, metadataReferences
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