A strong token of interest for an excellent book about Life Long Learning


  • Goossens Marc


A strong token of interest for an excellent book about Life Long Learning

Információk a szerzőről

Goossens Marc


Since 2005, Marc has been a Director and Executive Officer of the European Society for Engineers and
Industrialists ( SEII ), a non-profit-making association created in 2004 with the aim of fostering the
essential role of engineers in society in general and in industry in particular, an objective that they
achieve through organizing various events and participating in various activities organized by other
groups or associations, including the European Commission.
One of Marc’s speciality in SEII is Engineering Education, particularly in relationship with the needs of
industry. This brought him to participate actively in the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme
EUGENE ( European and Global Engineering Education ), in some activities of SEFI ( European Society
for Engineering Education ) – of which he is a member – and in most annual conferences organized by
CLAIU-EU ( a European Association of Engineers ). He also participated actively in the 2012, 2014 and
2016 IACEE ( International Association for Continuing Engineering Education ) World Conferences,
respectively in Valencia, Stanford and Porto. In June 2014, he became a Member of the Council of this
association, where he is now the Chair of their Special Interest Groups.
Marc received his Engineering Master degree in Physical Sciences ( Nuclear Physics ) from the
University of Liège ( Belgium ) in 1966. He worked successively at the University of Liège ( one year ),
in industry ( 9 years ), at the University of Liège again ( 3 years ) and as a self-employed worker –
particularly as a trainer for engineers – until he retired in 2009. But he has stayed active, on a voluntary
basis, in the aforementioned associations.
From 1987 to 1992, he was a member of the non-profit-making association « L’Entreprise de Demain »
( “ The Enterprise of Tomorrow ” ), and more precisely of its working group on the « Competitiveness of
Enterprises ».)

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Goossens, M. (2016) „A strong token of interest for an excellent book about Life Long Learning”, Opus et Educatio, 3(6). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.157

Folyóirat szám


Book review