Entering through the doors of innovation: School visits in Tampere


  • Pap Dalma


Entering through the doors of innovation: School visits in Tampere

Információk a szerzőről

Pap Dalma

I graduated from ELTE in 2008, majoring at Teacher of English as a Foreign Language and Hungarian Linguistics and Literature; in 2012 I got my MA degree from here as well. Meanwhile, in 2010 I finished my studies at the Budapest Business School as a translator and interpreter of social and economic studies, and later I graduated from BME as a Public Education Manager (2015) and as a Pedagogue with Special Qualification Examination, in the field of Mentoring (2016). I am attending the Psychological Doctoral School of Cognitive Sciences at BME. My field of research includes the psychological aspects of atypical learning methods. I have been working as a teacher of English and have been the head of the Foreign Language Department at “Budapest” Baptist Secondary Vocational, Grammar and Sports School since 2009.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Pap, D. (2016) „Entering through the doors of innovation: School visits in Tampere”, Opus et Educatio, 3(6). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.151

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