Transforming Universities for the Digital Age - Policies – Business Models – Resources


  • Szalma Eva


Higher education systems in the European Union are operating in an increasingly fast-changing and competitive environment. They have to tackle key issues dealing with massification, career guidance, cost-efficiency, international attractiveness, student mobility. At a more operational level, digital practices and technologies support the change of several aspects of higher education institutions and new players providing expertise and methodologies undermine the classical model of university as a leading knowledge producer and disseminator.

Such major transformations require modern governance arrangements and dynamic leadership. As outlined in the EU Modernization Agenda of Higher Education (2011), the major bottleneck found is the staff competence and preparedness, more specifically at the institutional leadership and executive management level.

The interest for e-learning is not new but contrary to the obvious interest for equipment or management, this has not been enough for e-learning to impose itself. As stated by Paul Bacsich (2011) the presence of ICT in universities is a reality but the education transformation has not yet taken place. So far, initiatives are generally focused on operational (managerial) aspects. The D-TRANSFORM project starting in 2014 and ending in 2017[1] was the first European-funded project focusing on the fundamental strategic aspects of digital innovation of Higher Education. Through leadership schools, MOOCs, guidelines and stat-of-the-art reports it helped university governing bodies to define their own digital strategies and coordinate them with public policies defined at the European/national level and to be able to plan e-education according to the university needs and profile.

[1] DigiTal Resources As a New Strategic FactOr for a Renovation and Modernization in HE

Type: Initiative supported by the ERASMUS+(2014- 2017)

Budget: 1 M$

Információk a szerzőről

Szalma Eva

Eva Szalma

Project manager and researcher, working on several learning development projects at the Centre for Learning Innovation and Adult Learning of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics since 2003. She has an MA in Philosophy and additional teacher training. She worked as a consultant (from 2002 as senior consultant) of learning development at the Eduweb Distance Learning Co. Ltd., Budapest (2001-2003). Between 2003 and 2017 she was the adult learning coordinator of the University. From September 2006 until the end of 2007 she was also appointed as Membership Officer for the European Foundation for Quality in E-learning and she worked as Project Officer at the European Distance and E-Learning Network - EDEN (2008- 2017). Her expertise include ODL, adult education, HE, quality assurance, dissemination and network building.

Szalma Éva

Projekt menedzserként és kutatóként dolgozik a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Oktatásinnovációs és Felnőttképzési Központjában, 2003 óta. A Szegedi Tudományegyetemen szerzett filozófiai diplomát és tanári képesítést. Szakmai munkáját az Eduweb Távoktatási Zrt-nél kezdte oktatásfejlesztési tanácsadóként (2002-től vezető tanácsadó). A BME-n az egyetem intézményi felnőttképzési koordinátori munkakörét látta 2017-ig, ezzel párhuzamosan a European Foundation for Quality in E-learning szervezet tagsági felelőse (2006-2007), majd 2008 és 2017 között az Európai Távoktatási Hálózatban (European Distance and E-Learning Network – EDEN) projektkoordinátor. Szakterülete a nyitott és távoktatás, felnőttképzés, felsőoktatás, minőségbiztosítás, disszemináció és hálózatépítés.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Szalma, E. (2018) „Transforming Universities for the Digital Age - Policies – Business Models – Resources”, Opus et Educatio, 5(4).

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