Welcome Note


  • Benedek András
  • Szűts Zoltán



Szerző életrajzok

Benedek András

Professor, Department of Technical Education, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). His research interests focus on vocational innovation, qualification structures, and opening-up the curriculum development. Currently, he leads the Open Content Development Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Szűts Zoltán



Zoltán Szűts (1976) PhD is Associate Professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary. He is a digital media and information society researcher. Studied at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, earned his PhD degree in literary science and habilitation is sociology. Author of the book Metaphors of the World Wide Web: An Introduction to the Art of New Media [in Hungarian]  published with Osiris in 2013, and Online - History, theory and phenonomena of infocommunication and media [in Hungarian], published with, Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2018, and numerous articles, including “An Iconic Turn in Art History – The Quest for Realistic and 3D visual Representation on the World Wide Web”, in: Benedek András – Nyíri Kristóf (eds.) The Iconic Turn in Education, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main. 2012. 

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Benedek, A., Szűts, Z. (2019) „Welcome Note”, Opus et Educatio, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.351

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