Digital lifestyle – digital citizenship – digital pedagogy


  • Papp-Danka Adrienn


„2017 from within the EU the Internet access households ratio has risen to 87%, which is 32% points exceed the ten years ago, 2007 levels. In 2017, 85% of the EU households used broadband network, which is approximately the double of the 2007 ratio. We can read such and similar to this data in the report of Eurostat called "A digital economy and society statistics - households and individuals” report. Our lives are networked with the Internet and its digital tools - as it is proven clearly by the above data.

But do we have the knowledge, ability and attitude to live digitally, not just at the tool-driven level, but to be active participants? Are we able to participate effectively, responsibly and productively in the networked digital world? Does our (widely interpreted) digital competence can follow the accelerated development of the digital, online tools?

In this study, we discuss the question of how we can develop digital citizenship competence from our daily digital life. Meanwhile, we also discuss the role and potential of digital pedagogy which can give the opportunity for the practice and development of digital citizenship competence whether in a formal, informal or non-formal education system.

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Papp-Danka Adrienn

Adrienn Papp-Danka PhD earned her MA-degrees in Hungarian language and literature and Pedagogy too at Eötvös Lóránd University. She did her PhD at Eötvös Lóránd University’s Doctoral School of Education in 2014. Now she is a lecturer at Hungarian Dance Academy and a researcher at ICT Center of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.  Her research fields are education in digital learning environments, digital citizenship and digital competencies.

Major publications: Lévai Dóra – Papp-Danka Adrienn (szerk.) (2015): Interaktív oktatásinformatika. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, Czirfusz Dóra - Habók Lilla – Lévai Dóra - Papp-Danka Adrienn (2015): Digitális állampolgárság kutatás 2014. Oktatási Hivatal, Budapest, Papp-Danka Adrienn (2014): Az online tanulási környezettel támogatott oktatási formák tanulásmódszertanának vizsgálata. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, Ollé János - Papp-Danka Adrienn - Lévai Dóra - Tóth-Mózer Szilvia - Virányi Anita (2013): Oktatás-informatikai módszerek. Tanítás és tanulás az információs társadalomban. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Papp-Danka, A. (2019) „Digital lifestyle – digital citizenship – digital pedagogy”, Opus et Educatio, 6(4).

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