Digitálisan aláírt tanúsítványok és digitális kitűzők a szakképzésben és felsőoktatásban
The Digitally Signed Credentials and Open Badges in VET and HE project aims to come up with a data structure of course and content typology based on current European and national standards and new research. The resulting grid of extra metadata enables a better mapping and manageability of their badges for VET, HE and CPD institutions. Based on the grid, an open source displayer will be developed, accompanied by a 30 hours course on open badges and digitally signed credentials targeted to the issuers and validators to support the implementation of the displayer platform in their institutions.
The article gives an overview about the results of the research conducted at the beginning of 2021 about the state-of-the art of the use and the approach of the open badges and digitally signed credentials in Europe and the partner countries, highlighting the results from Hungary.