Opportunities to craftsmanship education in the late 1800s under the Industrial Code of 1884


  • Kanczné Nagy Katalin


The study explores the possibilities of becoming an industrialist by examining an industrial law published in the second half of the 19th century. It focuses on the process of children and young people becoming industrialists. It shows what conditions and permits were needed to start the industry. It highlights the rules that have played a role in educating apprentices. From the analysis, we can form a picture of the contemporary process of becoming an apprentice, the life of the child, the circumstances of their schooling. The range of professions available in the late 1800s is also presented. At the same time, the spirit of the law, its values, and its commitment to the development of industry are outlined.

Információk a szerzőről

Kanczné Nagy Katalin


She works in higher education as an assistant professor.

Research areas:

  • dropout of university students,
  • higher education pedagogy,
  • experiential pedagogy,
  • history of vocational training.


Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Technical Education, Budapest, Hungary

J. Selye University, Faculty of Education, Department of Primary and Pre-Scool Education, Komárno, Slovakia

Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-Scool Education, Department of Education, Budapest, Hungary


Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Hogyan kell idézni

Kanczné Nagy, K. (2021) „Opportunities to craftsmanship education in the late 1800s under the Industrial Code of 1884”, Opus et Educatio, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.416

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