Érzés vagy racionális tény? - Az önbizalom, mint a LLL egyik kulcstényezője


  • Anikó Kálmán
  • Emőke Nyéki


Nowadays the concept of trust attracts special attention. One of the most common approaches is examining self-confidence alongside human values and competencies.

The study intends to point out the significance of self-confidence with regard to adult efficiency. The hypothesis is that positive self-assurance can essentially influence our achievement and our achievement has an impact on our self-confidence. Self-confidence often has a reflection as a feeling in the consciousness – the study strives to decompose this feeling or emotion into rational, measurable features and show its effect in the reflection of the self-image created by successful top managers and leaders.

The data are from the results of studies collected since 2014 among top managers in the competitive sector during their non-formal? informal adult education. In the evaluation process, Emőke Nyéki’s 8-year-long expertise and knowledge in adult education is completed with her decade-long experience as a leader.

Author Biographies

Anikó Kálmán


She is recognized as one of the few experts in Hungary in the field of Lifelong Learning and Andragogy. She got her PhD degree in 1999 in Educational Science and the Habilitated Doctor (Dr. habil.) qualification in 2007 in management and organizational sciences.

Among others she is currently: associate professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary, academic staff member at the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest and also in Szeged University Educational Doctoral School. She was the executive president of the MELLearN Hungarian National University Lifelong Learning Network between 2002-2015 and was elected to the SEFI Boards of Directors in 2014. She was  a visiting lecturer in 2015 in  Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

Her research fields are: lifelong learning, staff development, adult education, methodology, knowledge triangle and the new ecosystem

Emőke Nyéki

Nyéki Emőke a Zsigmond Király Főiskola andragógia szakán szerezte alap-, és mesterdiplomáját, jelenleg a BME Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományi Doktori Iskolájában tanul. Több évig dolgozott tanácsadóként, többek között a Citi Banknál, ahol később üzletágvezető is lett. Közel 400 órányi coach képzést végzett el, az International Coach Federation tagja és részt vett a Megoldásközpontú Megközelítéssel Dolgozó Coachok, Fejlesztők és Szervezetek Egyesületének megalapításában. Jelenleg az FC Pannon Tanácsadó Kft-nél dolgozik mint tréner, üzletágvezető.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Kálmán, A., Nyéki, E. (2017) “Érzés vagy racionális tény? - Az önbizalom, mint a LLL egyik kulcstényezője”, Opus et Educatio, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.223


