Tematikus bevezető


  • András Benedek
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics


A cím (Munka és Nevelés) tematikailag is kötelez, s ha módunk van, úgy igyekszünk tematikus számokkal markánsabbá tenni az Opus et Educatio-t. E törekvésünk jegyében a Magyar Pedagógiai Társaság 2016. november 29-én a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen „A pedagógia új dimenziói” címmel tartott konferenciájának előadásai és szekció összefoglalói képezik e számunk gerincét. E számunk is relatíve terjedelmes (közel 8 ív), ami jelzés, hogy formálódik egy olyan szerzői kör, mely írásaival bizalommal fordul az Opus et Educatio-hoz.

Author Biography

András Benedek, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Professor and Head, Department of Technical Education, BudapestUniversity of Technology and Economics, has published some 150 papers to date in connection with human resource development issues, among them the essays “New Vistas ofLearning in the Mobile Age”, in Kristóf Nyíri (ed.), Mobile Understanding: The Epistemologyof Ubiquitous Communication, Vienna: Passagen Verlag,2006, and “Mobile Learning: New Horizons and Unstable Summits”,in Kristóf Nyíri (ed.), Engagement and Exposure: Mobile Communicationand the Ethics of Social Networking, Vienna: Passagen Verlag,2009. From 1976 to 1979 he studied systems analysis on a scholarshipand acquired a PhD at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow.During the 1980s he was a scientific advisor at the Hungarian Academyof Sciences. He was the Director of Vocational Training (from1984 to 1989), then Director General (from 1989 to 1990) at the NationalPedagogical Institute. As its first Director General in 1990, heestablished the National Institute for Vocational Education. He was involved in numerousUNESCO and ILO projects, and continues to participate in the preparation of variousWorld Bank and Phare projects in the area of human resource development. 1991–2006he held the positions of deputy and permanent state secretary in different ministries. In2004 he acquired a DSc at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: benedek.a@eik.bme.hu.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Benedek, A. (2017) “Tematikus bevezető”, Opus et Educatio, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.180


