Pedagogical and methodological challenges and opportunities of teaching SEN students recently


  • Rácz Péter Róbert


The basic purpose of the article is - in one hand - to explore the current legal background of students who require special treatment, while - in the other hand - to map methodological and technological pedagogical solutions that can be used in special vocational training institutions. Within this framework, traditional and new-generation methodological repertoire - that can also be used in pedagogical practice - will be reviewed and compared.

During the processing of the work, we used a quantitative questionnaire survey during the empirical research, in which the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic digital device usage habits of the target group selected from the base population were surveyed and analyzed. During the analysis - in addition considering the results - a proposal was developed regarding the methodology of the usable digital tools tending to support presence and hybrid education in the vocational training in SNI student environment, while at the same time highlighting the limitations of using exclusively digital tools. The results of the work can be used widely in special vocational school training, while the described and tested methods can provide immediate help to teachers, keeping in mind the importance of methodological cultural change.

The publication is a shortened and modified version of the work of the same title of the 2021 BME Scientific Student Conference (TDK) conference.

Author Biography

Rácz Péter Róbert

Alaptanulmányait 2000-ben fejezte be a BME villamosmérnöki és informatikai szakán, mérés és rendszertervezés szakirányon. 2003-ban a BME és a l’Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3. közös képzésén MBA és DESS CAAE fokozatokat szerzett. 2000-től 2004-ig ipari és orvosi képfeldolgozással foglalkozott, majd 2004-től 2016-ig kis- és középvállalati felsővezetőként tevékenykedett. 2016-től épületautomatikával és műemlékfelújítással foglalkozik. 2022-ben Mérnöktanári végzettséget szerzett a BME Műszaki Pedagógiai Tanszékén. Érdeklődési területe: digitális pedagógia, IKT, gamifikáció és élménypedagógia.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Rácz Péter Róbert (2022) “Pedagogical and methodological challenges and opportunities of teaching SEN students recently”, Opus et Educatio, 9(3).


