Atypical opinion on part-time employment


  • Munkácsy Ferenc


Part-time employment is the most widely known and applied element of the so called atypical forms of employment. Both public opinion and the experts think that it contributes to a better use of labour force resources and so the improvement of productivity. In addition, it supports the harmonization of work and private life. However, despite its positive recognition and popularity, its share in employment tendencies is only slightly increasing, and surprisingly, it even declined during the boom preceding the Covid pandemic. The gap between the rich and poor member countries of the European Union has remained the same during the latest decade in this respect. One reason for all this might be that its economic and social impacts are more contradictious than they seem to be at first glance. The article briefly refers to the aspects of a more sophisticated socio-political evaluation of part-time employment, and by introducing some statistical data of the period between the financial crisis in 2008-2009 and the recession having evolved as a result of the pandemic, it seeks to contribute to a more realistic evaluation of the economic impacts of this form of employment. This more realistic approach may also serve as an indirect input to a more sophisticated qualification of other types of atypical employment.

Author Biography

Munkácsy Ferenc

Dr. Munkácsy Ferenc CSc., az MTA Emberi Erőforrások Gazdaságtan Tudományos Bizottság tagja, az Új Munkaügyi Szemle és a Munkaü főszerkesztője. Korábban hosszabb ideig a munkaügyi szakigazgatásban, majd egy nagy kereskedelmi bank HR vezetőjeként dolgozott, illetve a Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság Munkaügyi Szakosztályának elnöke volt. Több egyetemen részt vett a munkagazdaságtan oktatásában. Számos szakcikk és publicisztika szerzője.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Munkácsy Ferenc (2022) “Atypical opinion on part-time employment”, Opus et Educatio, 9(1).



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