Supporting experience-oriented, innovative learning of adults


  • Feketéné Szakos Éva


Attitudes of adults to learning can be characterized between two extremities: They experience it either as a heavy pressure or get enthusiastic about the exciting, innovative experience of learning. Encouraging the latter can be the aim of learning support in adulthood. The author states that by laying the interdisciplinary foundations, an integrated model of learning support can be introduced. That model is capable of describing the characteristics of experience-oriented, innovative learning of adults and the possibilities of supporting it with adult education methods. The paper makes the first steps towards the elaboration of such a model of learning support. Application of the model could be of great importance especially in vocational education and training where the rate of undermotivated students is high.

By publishing the paper, the author intends to honor the memory of the world-famous psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi as well.

Author Biography

Feketéné Szakos Éva

Habil. egyetemi docens, a BME Műszaki Pedagógia Tanszék oktatója

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Feketéné Szakos Éva (2022) “Supporting experience-oriented, innovative learning of adults”, Opus et Educatio, 9(1).


