Role of Informal Learning in Our Age
The lecture was given on October 11, 2024, in Pécs, at the Andragogy Workshop Conference entitled “From Free Teaching to the Freedom of Learning” organized in memory of Dénes Koltai
The presentation draws attention to the topicality of Dénes Koltai's work, when it talks about the perhaps most important, but currently little-researched area of lifelong learning, the appreciation of informal learning in the labor market, based on the results obtained during the first pilot research conducted within the framework of the ELTE PPK FTI. The research examines among some first-year university students admitted to the ELTE PPK (human resources, community organization, majors) which skills and leisure activities they performed before their higher education studies helped to establish and develop, and whether these influenced their choice of major and career. The first results confirm that leisure activities belonging to the informal learning arena, such as self-directed, horizontal, network, and community learning activities, establish and develop the soft skills expected in the labor market. Consequently, informal learning, including leisure and cultural activities, should be considered an increasingly important arena of adult learning.