Factors determining and influencing foreign language education and language choice in vocational training


  • Gábor Erdei
  • Zsuzsanna Baráth
    Zsuzsanna Baráth is a secondary school teacher majoring in History and German literaure and grammar, she obtained her degree at KLTE in Debrecen. Her area of interest is primarily the changes of the German language and culture typical of today. Within this, she examines the European impact mechanisms of the globalizing social and economic processes on the German language and culture, special focus is given to the vocational education and training.


The subject of our research is to examine the future of German language education in vocational training institutions, as in recent years/decades an alarming downward trend has been observed in the number of German language learners, and therefore in terms of enrollment in German-language classes. This was also not completely understandable to us, because since the regime change, foreign investors have been continuously arriving in Hungary, among which a fairly large proportion of companies with a German background are represented.

In the theoretical research part, we first examined the role the German language plays today in the world and in Europe, and how this coincides with the proportion of the German-speaking population. We then looked for the answer to the extent to which the prevalence of the German language reflects the economic weight of German and German-background companies globally, in Europe and in Hungary.

After that, we examined how the investment of companies with a German background in Hungary affects the teaching of the German language in Hungarian public education institutions, the number

and proportion of students learning German, especially in the case of institutions interested in vocational training.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Erdei, G., Baráth, Z. (2024) “Factors determining and influencing foreign language education and language choice in vocational training”, Opus et Educatio, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.3311/ope.39655


