Digital Literacy: Is Digital Reading Similar to Comic Reading?
As a result of technological innovations, the way we think, the way we comprehend texts is
constantly changing. The new forms of media have a strong effect on our cognitive processes.
The visual elements, pictures, gifs, icons, short videos and interactive adverts significantly
influence our ability to read and understand texts. This is the reason why so many researchers
try to capture the essence and the effects of the recent changes of the digital environment.
How do we read printed and digital texts with the help of visual effects? Do these kinds of
graphic elements really help us to understand the written contents, or on the contrary,
colourful images and additional visual elements obstruct the comprehension processes? In my
paper I will focus on reading literacy which concerns the visual elements of comprehension.
My main question is whether digital reading is similar to comic reading. In my paper I will
argue that reading digital texts containing visual elements is a non-linear kind of reading
which is similar to comic reading. My aim is to get a better understanding of digital literacy.