"I have been engaged in educational, consultancy and promotional activities for years in the fields of electronic information services, especially of online databases." An interview with Mr. Péter Roboz, who was awarded with Dennis Gábor prize
The prize, commermorating professor Dennis Gábor, the Nobel prize winner physicist who was born and educated in Hungary, was founded by the NOVOFER Company in 1989, to recognize and motivate intellectual and technical creativity. Péter Roboz, physicist and information scientist of the Hungarian National Information Centre and Library (OMIKK) was the first information specialist in this country who was awarded with this prize. The interview with Mr. Roboz starts with his career as research physicist. Since 1971 he has been engaged in the fields of scientific and technical information. His main areas of interest have been associated with electronic information services which begun in Hungary in the 70s and 80s. Mr. Roboz has been one of those who achieved that Hungary became the first country in the East European region in 1980 that could establish regular online access to international online services. Since 1982, Mr. Roboz has been the INIS Liaison Officer of Hungary, and in this capacity, he participated in several international projects to develop the INIS information system. In Hungary, he has been acting for years as trainer and educator, consultant and publicity provider on improving and promoting electronic information, especially online services. His opinion on the future of information is: "The most important global challenge today and tomorrow is and will be to provide services according to what the market needs".