The European Union as an issue in the curricula of library education and training in Hungary


  • Mihály Pálvölgyi


The paper gives an overview of how the Library and Information Science Departments in Hungary are integrated into the training and education on the theme „European Union”, and how this fits into efforts of international and Hungarian EU training and information institutions. A historical survey is given on the organic evolution of courses on the European Union, and European Union information with examples based on a coherent scheme of training and continuing professional education courses. The EU information courses introduced in the frames of the credit-based new library and information science programmes in 2002–2003 are presented, as well as the continuing education courses accredited by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Examples of EU information courses at LIS Departments at universities (Budapest, Szeged), and colleges (Eger, Szombathely etc.) are given, with related curriculum and courses development efforts, including goals, objectives, contents, structures, methods, and learning organisation issues. Following the 7 levels of the global/local information and communication spectrum it becomes clear – through a number of facts and examples –, how global, EU-regional, national, regional, local and institutional information/communication efforts and cooperation schemes are related to the topic and level of the European Union. The paper concludes with development goals in the crucial period of joining the European Union and the European Higher Education Space.


Európai Unió, információszolgáltatás, könyvtáros, oktatás, továbbképzés

Published Online


How to Cite

Pálvölgyi, M. “The European Union as an issue in the curricula of library education and training in Hungary”, Scientific and Technical Information, 51(3-4), pp. 137–146, 2004.


