European Union information services in the Public Library of Kiskőrös
The Public Library of Kiskőrös was one of the winners of the tender opened by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for libraries in order to enable them to open new, EU-related library services. The support could be used for collection development. Beyond acquiring all sorts of information material on the European Union and the accession, the library established new services, too. It organises EU-events, citizens forums on the accession and its impacts, organised an exhibition, and participates at big public events of the city and the micro-region with information stand (brochures, leaflet and professional information).
Európai Unió, csatlakozás, tájékoztatás, városi könyvtár, közvélemény-alakításPublished Online
How to Cite
Fülöp, E. “European Union information services in the Public Library of Kiskőrös”, Scientific and Technical Information, 51(3-4), pp. 135–136, 2004.