EU-services in the Public Library of Érd


  • Klára B. Megyes
  • Istvánné Paulovits


Following a call for proposals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Library of Érd decided to establish new EU-related library services. The ministry ensured a reasonable support financial for acquiring information materials on the European Union, which provided the basis for introducing the new library services. The EU Information Corner consist of books, periodicals, CD-ROMs etc., as well as it makes available the three main EU-databases free for the users. Beyond the reference services, the library organises many events, e. g. for pensioners or primary/secondary school students on the accession; they publicises their services in the local newspaper etc. The main users of the EU services are primary and secondary school students and their teachers, entrepreneurs, pensioners; most of the questions and queries relate to the daily life in the EU, grants and loans, or educational issues.


Európai Unió, csatlakozás, tájékoztatás, városi könyvtár, közvélemény-alakítás

Published Online


How to Cite

B. Megyes, K., Paulovits, I. “EU-services in the Public Library of Érd”, Scientific and Technical Information, 51(3-4), pp. 132–134, 2004.


