Research, technology development and knowledge transfer in the European Union: information dissemination and advisory activity of BME OMIKK


  • Ilona Buzás
  • Róbertné Fodor
  • Klára Heilingbrunner


Since 1997 the EU Technology Information and Advisory Service is dealing with information dissemination on R&D programmes of EU, promotion of exploitation of R&D results and transborder technology transfer. The main fields of activitiy are the innovation transfer, promotion of application of energy efficiency methods and renewable energy sources in buildings, as well as providing information and advice to promote the Hungarian participation in the EU Sixth R&D Framework Programme.


Európai Unió, kutatás, műszaki fejlesztés, technológiaátvitel, energiagazdálkodás, tájékoztatás

Published Online


How to Cite

Buzás, I., Fodor, R., Heilingbrunner, K. “Research, technology development and knowledge transfer in the European Union: information dissemination and advisory activity of BME OMIKK”, Scientific and Technical Information, 51(3-4), pp. 124–127, 2004.


