What's the news around MOKKA? The first five months of the renewed document supply system


  • Boglárka Dávid
  • Klára Koltay


The system of national document supply (ODR) has been recently renewed within the “Knowledge Depot” grant programme. The renewed system started operation on January 3, 2012. Users are facing substantial changes regarding all features: the earlier bibliographic database was replaced by the MOKKA (Hungarian Shared Cataloguing System) database following considerable technological renewal and extension of participants. Location information was transferred into a continuously updated registry of copies with more detailed data. The “MOKKA-ODR” catalogue enabling the concurrent use of these two information sources was complemented by an ODR search feature which opens up search towards other accessible electronic sources (Electronic Periodicals Archive, National Digital Data Archive), major articles databases (HUMANUS, MATARKA) and institutional repositories with mainly free access to electronic content. The database of libraries has assumed a much wider role than just registering access data and users of member libraries – it manages the processes of uploading and requests administration. In the field of interlibrary loans the registry follows up the whole life cycle of requests within the database, instead of the earlier solution with requests started from the system and received at the providing library in e-mail. The article sums up statistical data from the first month of operation, and describes experience gained from the first 4000 requests, focusing on issues of configuration and data provision to be performed by member libraries to achieve an optimum service.



Published Online


How to Cite

Dávid, B., Koltay, K. “What’s the news around MOKKA? The first five months of the renewed document supply system”, Scientific and Technical Information, 59(5), pp. 179–185, 2012.


