What's the news around MOKKA? The national document supply system renewed
In January 2012 Hungarian libraries may start to use the results of a long-awaited, large-scale development effort when opening the new service interface of the National Document Supply System for the public. This totally transformed service system relies on the joint MOKKA-ODR (the national shared catalogue, MOKKA and the national document supply system, ODR resp.) database which has also undergone considerable modernisation. Using EU funds, within the framework of two parallel running projects, all the modules of the document supply process have been re-designed: from receiving and processing records through managing searches to the central administration of interlibrary lending. The system is capable of replacing the previously used local software support of the processes of interlending in Hungarian libraries, as it provides a central solution for collection management, for implementing a multi-level service policy, for administering requests and for transferring documents. All required information is collected at one point, on the input side of the shared catalogue: bibliographic and location data as well as data on copies. MOKKA’s catalogue search interface and record provision service as well as related location information are accessible at the www.mokka.hu portal, while the national document supply service, handling requests, is to be found at the web address www.odrportal.hu.