Videotorium – a video sharing portal for higher education, research and public collections in Hungary
Videotorium – developed and maintained by the Institute ofNational Infrastructure Development, NIIF – is a specialised video sharing portal aiming atthe fields of education, research and public collections. Users and students of the relevantorganisations produce a significant amount of educational and research-oriented audio-visualcontent. A special web service had not been available before for sharing, properly storing,managing and retrieving this type of content. Videotorium’s features regarding contentsharing, editing and metadata description were designed and implemented to meet the highstandards set by the scientific community. The precise description of a recording and itscontent are supported by a special metadata model that allows the best possible retrieval asexpected in the world of science. Besides simply sharing materials, users have an opportunityto attach presentations and synchronise them to recordings. Videotorium offers an integratedmultimedia platform which ensures long time preservation and presentation of contentproduced by the education and research community in Hungary.