Role of academic libraries in accomplishing knowledgemanagement strategies in higher academic institutions


  • Katalin Bognárné Lovász


In recent years knowledge management has become a keyissue in universities due to the changes in economy, society and knowledge culture.University managements have realized that a key factor for an effective adaptation to thechanges is the human/intellectual capital. Several steps have been taken towards managing theintellectual capital of higher education institutions including developing knowledgemanagement strategies, setting up Technology and Knowledge Transfer Offices, creatinginstitutional knowledge maps. The major role of academic libraries is to collect, process,disseminate, store and utilise information and knowledge, to provide services to the universitycommunity. They can also play a major role in knowledge production and transfer if theythink proactively and offer tailored and value-added services to academics and students, and iflibraries themselves can become a knowledge and learning organization.



Published Online


How to Cite

Bognárné Lovász, K. “Role of academic libraries in accomplishing knowledgemanagement strategies in higher academic institutions”, Scientific and Technical Information, 58(9), pp. 387–397, 2011.


