Implementation feasibility of the total Hungarian journal article repertory


  • Barnabásné Berke


The Hungarian National Széchényi Library (OSZK) has been publishing for 57 years within its national bibliography system the Hungarian National Bibliography, Repertory of Periodical Publication series. The database IKER behind this pubiication has been compiled since 1993. From 2001 on-wards users have access to the database as a web service of OSZK. However, the management of OSZK decided in February 2003, due to several Professional and financiaí considerations, to stop both the database and the pubiication. Instead, the scope and services of two other important data-bases (Hungarika Information, MANCI) will be expanded. The former functions of IKER would be transferred to special, academic and regional public libraries. The preliminary processes leading to the above decision, and a guide of possible steps toward implementation of a national journal article repertory are discussed.


időszaki kiadvány, repertórium, nemzeti bibliográfia

Published Online


How to Cite

Berke, B. “Implementation feasibility of the total Hungarian journal article repertory”, Scientific and Technical Information, 50(8), pp. 307–312, 2003.


