A free university in library science: looking back to 1995-2000


  • Péter Kiszl


The article describes and analyzes the history of the series of public lectures, named Open Days, initiated by the Head of the Department of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Krisztina Voit, till the millennium. Through a reconstruction of the programme of lectures it draws attention to research achievements and professional trends in the given period, as well as to the challenges and opportunities for Hungarian libraries and librarians at that time, which have had an impact on today's librarianship and library education as well.  The Library and Information Science Institute at ELTE re-started the Open Days as a professional programme in February 2016.


könyvtárügy, könyvtáros, oktatás, továbbképzés, tudományszervezés, történet

Published Online


How to Cite

Kiszl, P. “A free university in library science: looking back to 1995-2000”, Scientific and Technical Information, 63(6-7), pp. 223–235, 2016.


