Archival skills in training for library use


  • Ibolya Kristóf


Courses on library use in higher education in Hungary deal mainly with in the use of library catalogues and information search in libraries, in addition to providing a basic knowledge regarding research methodology. The Kosáry Domokos Library and Archives, Gödöllő, as a combined public collection offers courses on library use which include transfer of knowledge on archives as well. The paper describes the importance of providing archival skills within library-related training, as well as their practical application, through examples. It discusses the general themes of library instruction courses, the place of knowledge on archives within these courses, the topics and tasks at lessons on archives, as well as how archival knowledge appears outside the courses.


könyvtárhasználat, levéltár, oktatás

Published Online


How to Cite

Kristóf, I. “Archival skills in training for library use”, Scientific and Technical Information, 61(1), pp. 25–29, 2014.


