The accessibility of MATARKA


  • Erzsébet Burmeister
  • Csaba Áprádházy-Godó


Library-related legal regulations do not include a provision that library services, and among them Internet-based ones, should be made accessible barrier-free. However, there is a regulation – 39/2013. (V. 31) EMMI – prescribing that the members of the Library Supply Service System (KSZR) have to provide information, on the websites of small municipalities, about library services for the people with disabilities. Obligatory regulations regarding the accessibility of databases and webpages are laid down for electronic public services only. Still, libraries make every effort to ensure that their websites and web-based databases be accessible for as many users as possible, including the blind, visually impaired and physically disabled. Similar to other players, the Association MATARKA decided to implement the barrier-free accessibility of its services from grant funding.


folyóirat, internetszolgáltatás, akadálymentesítés, weblapszerkesztés

Published Online


How to Cite

Burmeister, E., Áprádházy-Godó, C. “The accessibility of MATARKA”, Scientific and Technical Information, 62(9), pp. 333–343, 2015.


