Digital re-use of information and a European model of copyrightclearance


  • Szabolcs Dancs


The Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information is just being implemented into national law in Hungary. This article addresses the possibilities to re-use data created by libraries (mainly bibliographic metadata) in the framework of projects that are realized either in public organizations, or in the private sector. Also, the author attempts to define some of the crucial concepts of digital data as a library term. Re-use of information is illustrated by examples, which serves as a good opportunity to summarize the National Széchényi Library’s ELDORADO project from a special point of view.



Published Online


How to Cite

Dancs, S. “Digital re-use of information and a European model of copyrightclearance”, Scientific and Technical Information, 62(6), pp. 207–214, 2015.


