APPropos, is your library prepared for the arrival ofmobinautes?


  • Katalin Dér


The research discussed in this article deals with the latest ICT developments in libraries, with the libraries’ new role in social media, as well as with the chances of implementing these. A questionnaire survey seeks answer to how far the libraries of different sizes and tasks are prepared and equipped to face the changing habits of library use, and the use of intelligent systems in library services. The questions are divided into six major sections, according to the most popular reader expectations, the latest technical innovations, by which any library can declare to have crossed the threshold of the 21st century: 1) Data on the library in question, 2) Remote library use, 3) Social media, 4) Mobileoptimized website, 5) RFID technology, 6) QR codes. Focusing on the considerations and expectations of mobinautes as new players, these six topics are discussed to exchange experience. The example of the paradigm shift process in larger, more advanced, more modern libraries may be instructive for the institutions currently facing innovation.



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How to Cite

Dér, K. “APPropos, is your library prepared for the arrival ofmobinautes?”, Scientific and Technical Information, 62(3), pp. 95–124, 2015.


