The Digital Institutional Knowledge Store of the Eötvös LorándUniversity. Presenting EDIT through the lessons of cataloguing two specific subsets of thecollection


  • Tünde Székelyné Török
  • Gabriella Virág


The essay presents the structure and content of the Digital Institutional Knowledge Store of the Eötvös Loránd University, as well as the process of tailoring it to the University’s needs. The University Library’s two important collections (graphics, and the manuscripts of three Jesuit scholars – Gábor Hevenesi, István Kaprinai and György Pray) were catalogued within the ALEPH integrated library system. Bibliographic records in MARC 21 format have then been linked with images archived in the repository. This function of the knowledge base is illustrated by concrete examples.



Published Online


How to Cite

Székelyné Török, T., Virág, G. “The Digital Institutional Knowledge Store of the Eötvös LorándUniversity. Presenting EDIT through the lessons of cataloguing two specific subsets of thecollection”, Scientific and Technical Information, 62(1), pp. 3–12, 2015.


