Introducing ISNI, the International Standard Name Identifier
The unique identification of persons, first of all of authors, is an essential issue when creating library (and similar) systems and services. In addition to VIAF (The Virtual International Authority File), which is well-known and widely used in the library world, there is another international standard solution: the International Standard Name Identifier (ISO 27729:2012 Information and documentation – International Standard Name Identifier, ISNI). When developing a national library system (or service) it is obvious that the introduction of such an international identifier is required, including the establishment of a national agency.
tulajdonnév, azonosítás, könyvtárügy, szabvány, katalogizálásPublished Online
How to Cite
Dancs, S. “Introducing ISNI, the International Standard Name Identifier”, Scientific and Technical Information, 64(4), pp. 199–207, 2017.