The first year of the Strategic plan 2016-2020 of the Debrecen University and National Library
The strategic plan of the Debrecen University and Nation al Library (DEENK) was prepared within the framework of the Quality Management Council (MIT) operating in the institution, involving a wide circle of staff members, the maintaining body and users. The strategy has been further shaped by constant environmental and internal changes. This publication reports on the creative process, presents the intellectual content and trends in the document, and provides a snapshot about the plan’s status prior to the first review.
egyetemi könyvtár, minőségbiztosítás, stratégia, fejlesztési politika, DebrecenPublished Online
How to Cite
Karácsony, G. “The first year of the Strategic plan 2016-2020 of the Debrecen University and National Library”, Scientific and Technical Information, 64(2), pp. 83–96, 2017.