…male AND female he created them… (Gen 1:27b). Female and male librarians (?!) in church libraries


  • Ilona Ásványi


Are there special female and male competences? The author of this paper believes that there are female and male characteristics, and most of men and women perform different tasks and activities, such as, driving, orientation on a map, caring, secretarial duties, differently, but basically there is a single – human – personality, trait, habitus…. Different tasks and duties are implemented differently by a fundamentally and usually rather round, soft, warming, emotional female, and by a little angular, rough, more intellectually driven male. However, the same task is realized in a different manner by different women and different men, due to their personality and individual features.


egyházi könyvtár, könyvtáros, képesség, női munka, foglalkozási erkölcs

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How to Cite

Ásványi, I. “…male AND female he created them… (Gen 1:27b). Female and male librarians (?!) in church libraries”, Scientific and Technical Information, 66(7-8), pp. 430–440, 2019.


