Directions of strategic development for special libraries
Libraries face problems and tasks to be solved every day. When most of those concerned become aware of the direction of change, it is time for them to act. The first step towards the Directions of strategic development for special libraries was a Memorandum of understanding compiled by the national library, together with academic libraries and several special libraries with national responsibilities. This effort gained further support from the government decree providing 9.8 billion forints for developing the National Széchényi Library. The opportunities for change, development and advancement were also inspiring for the managers of special libraries. In the spring of 2017, special libraries convened for a meeting in Mátraháza under the auspices of the Federation of Libraries and Information Institutes (IKSZ) Section of Special and Research Libraries, for the first time. As a result of this meeting, the issues raised and the resolution formulated there were later included in the Directions of strategic development for special libraries, published in February 2019. The IKSZ Section’s similar workshop held in 2018 was shorter (due to less financial support), but it was clear that the direction is good, ideas need just to be elaborated in more detail. It has been a fundamental principle from the beginning that the tasks to be completed should not be formulated from above, but should be discussed by all, and that – in addition to common goals – every participant has the right to launch an individual programme, however, these separate developments should also lead to achieving common goals.