From catalogue cards to the semantic web. Building a common electronic catalogue in the libraries of ELTE


  • Tünde Székelyné Török


The study illustrates, by way of the example of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, how a unified library system can be created for a geographically divided institution. One of the important objectives in creating a common electronic catalogue was to integrate the records of documents previously catalogued with a different method. In addition to presenting various solutions, the article describes relevant developments and the process for controlling them, while building the electronic catalogue according to unified principles. In parallel, the daily practice of libraries as part of the university library system includes monitoring and implementing new initiatives in Hungary in line with international trends.


egyetemi könyvtár, hálózat, könyvtári rendszer, könyvtári katalógus

Published Online


How to Cite

Székelyné Török, T. “From catalogue cards to the semantic web. Building a common electronic catalogue in the libraries of ELTE”, Scientific and Technical Information, 66(5), pp. 273–286, 2019.


