Digital humanities in library and information science. Part 1. Choice of applications in digital humanities
Digital humanities and library and information science (LIS) are closely related disciplines. In this first part of a series we review, classify and analyse digital humanities applications (software and others) that can be used in the library field as well, wishing to support their spreading in LIS education and libraries, as well as to raise the standard of content provision services in Hungary.
digitális bölcsészet, információmenedzsment, innováció, könyvtári informatika, közgyűjteményi tartalomszolgáltatás, szoftverekPublished Online
How to Cite
Kiszl, P., Móring, T. “Digital humanities in library and information science. Part Choice of applications in digital humanities”, Scientific and Technical Information, 65(11), pp. 547–569, 2018.