The Internet of Things (IoT) in Hungarian libraries. Lessons from a survey


  • Viktor Zsömle
    Széchenyi Egyetemi Könyvtár Győr


The study focuses on the library application of the Internet of Things (IoT). Its aim is to examine the awareness, popularity and use of smart technologies in Hungarian libraries and by Hungarian librarians. The research was based on a questionnaire survey. The study was preceded by a trial completion period with 10 persons testing the preliminary questionnaire. Based on their advice and suggestions, the final set of questions was formed. The survey was conducted between 10 July 2019 and 9 August 2019. The answers could be returned online only, using a Google form. A total of 246 responses were received. The study found that 91.1% of respondents use a smartphone, which proved to be the most popular smart device among respondents. Survey participants are positive about different smart technologies. 85.8% of respondents would find it useful to train librarians on IoT and smart devices.


internet, intelligens rendszer, mérőátalakító, okostelefon, könyvtár, kérdőíves felmérés

Published Online


How to Cite

Zsömle, V. “The Internet of Things (IoT) in Hungarian libraries. Lessons from a survey”, Scientific and Technical Information, 67(4), pp. 224–236, 2020.


