Financial support for the library system over the past 10 years


  • Edina Sörény


This article reviews the financial support provided to the Hungarian library system in past 10 years from Hungarian and EU sources. Following the entry into force of the Law Nr. CXL of 1997 on museum institutions, public library services and public education, significant changes have taken place in the library system. As a results of the development of the library system and the expansion of its tasks new forms and opportunities of support were created. The different development of individual libraries may have been caused by the differences in the size of grants received. The current challenges – such as the rapid changes in user requirements, libraries' connection to IT systems, the need for fast, efficient and high-quality delivery of services, and the changing functions of library spaces – result time and again in new tasks for libraries. In order to retain professionals and to continuously improve their professional knowledge further support proposals are required.


könyvtárügy, Magyarország, pénzügyi támogatás

Published Online


How to Cite

Sörény, E. “Financial support for the library system over the past 10 years”, Scientific and Technical Information, 67(1), pp. 12–32, 2020.


