Libraries and the Internet of Things – towards the Smart Library?
It is obvious that today the internet plays a very special and decisive role in our lives. Thanks to the rapid development of information technology and the ever-decreasing costs, we can now use several tools to connect to the web. And we do this in our smart home while sitting in an armchair, using a smartphone, smartwatch, or any other smart device. According to experts, a long-term transformation is taking place in the world, which is prompted by rapid technological advances, and is already making its impact felt in almost all areas of life. The Internet of Things (IoT) has without doubt opened a new chapter in the history of ICT, and is offering many interesting opportunities for libraries.
internet, intelligens rendszer, szoftver, infokommunikáció, könyvtárPublished Online
How to Cite
Zsömle, V. “Libraries and the Internet of Things – towards the Smart Library?”, Scientific and Technical Information, 64(12), pp. 606–618, 2017.