Digital transition and libraries


  • Tünde Lengyelné Molnár


The current 4th industrial revolution is transforming the way how society operates. The labour market is changing: a significant number of professions are disappearing, new professions are emerging and the skills expected are changing. Society needs institutions that help prepare for these challenges. The American population expects libraries to prepare them for the use of new technology tools appearing as a result of the 4th industrial revolution, and to improve their digital competence. Beyond social expectations, international strategies and changes in the learning environment are creating new roles for libraries. A library in the 21st century should be, in addition to traditional library functions:
‒ a digital education centre,
‒ a learning environment,
‒ and the scene of online education.
The study presents the raison d’etre of this area in the light of international strategies.


tudományos-technikai forradalom, társadalmi fejlődés, információs műveltség, technikai kultúra, digitális technika

Published Online


How to Cite

Lengyelné Molnár, T. “Digital transition and libraries”, Scientific and Technical Information, 66(11), pp. 645–654, 2019.


