Theoretical model of bibliographic information. Part 1. Elements of the IFLA Library Reference Model
The IFLA Library Reference Model (IFLA LRM) is a high-level theoretical reference model published four years ago. LRM has had and continues to have an impact on library processing as shown by the fact that LRM has been integrated into the new Anglo-American cataloguing standard (Resource Desciption and Access, RDA) and is now based on it. LRM is published in many places and mentioned frequently. therefore it is necessary to understand the model from both a theoretical and practical point of view. In this paper, which is part one of a two-part series, the author presents the model and its basic elements. In the seond part, he will describe – based on a record – the elements of the model and the relationships between them.
bibliográfia, katalogizálás, szabályzatPublished Online
How to Cite
Némethi-Takács, M. “Theoretical model of bibliographic information. Part Elements of the IFLA Library Reference Model”, Scientific and Technical Information, 68(10), pp. 620–627, 2021.