Placing museum materials and manuscripts in a repository in the Klebelsberg Library of Szeged University
The Klebelsberg Library of Szeged University has been digitizing special materials from the early 2000’s. With the creation of content in a growing number, a Miscellanea Digitalis collection was set up which provides an environment for storing and searching these materials based on metadata. The study presents new solutions developed in the course of work and the way leading to them.
kézirat, régi nyomtatvány, hagyaték, különgyűjtemény, digitalizált dokumentum, katalogizálás, repozitóriumPublished Online
How to Cite
Farkas, K., Nagy, D. “Placing museum materials and manuscripts in a repository in the Klebelsberg Library of Szeged University”, Scientific and Technical Information, 68(8), pp. 510–515, 2021.