The digital ecosystem of libraries
The emergence of a cyber-physical society will significantly transform the labour market as well as the skills expected of employees. What demands does this lead to on the part of the members of society? How can libraries respond to rapidly changing processes? When seeking an answer to these questions, it is worth exploring what guidance a library institution receives from leading institutions. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) has been publishing its strategic guidelines annually since 2013. These include trends in fields such as right protection where, in addition to copyright, emphasis is placed on supporting the private sphere, on strengthening the application of technological tools, and the dissemination of mobile apps and blockchain technologies to society. Involvement in education, the implementation of online education and competence development in libraries has been a constant trend. Nevertheless, the new IFLA strategy for 2019-2024 reflects a completely different philosophy: its main strategic points deal with strengthening libraries and their advocacy, establishing closer links with international organizations and library federations, as well as forming public opinion about the role of libraries. When analysing library strategies, we cannot ignore the strategic directions of the American Library Association either. Exploring strategies through qualitative content analysis and reviewing the processes taking place in society will help us identify the digital ecosystem of libraries.